TJ Gillespie

Senior Mining Engineer, Barrick Gold Corporation

In today’s economic climate it is becoming increasingly difficult to justify large capital mining projects. Strategic mine scheduling is key to maximizing the return on these investments. Minemax is an invaluable tool for strategic mine scheduling and increasing the return on our projects.

Renato Mastrella

Senior Mining Engineer, Anglo American Brazil

In the Barro Alto Project in Brazil, we have a big open pit mine and a complex metallurgical restriction for two plants. In this highly constrained scenario we were surprised with how fast Minemax’s Scheduling software came up with a result. We saw that Minemax’s scheduling results satisfied all our scheduling constraints.

Brendan Pidcock

Group Technical Manager, Redback Mining

We have used it for many ‘what if’ scenarios, things like increasing the fleet size, etc. We also find it very effective in its application to multi-process applications e.g., CIL, Dump Leach and Heap Leach, where cut-over grades are very important.

Tim Sharman

Senior Mining Engineer, Phu Bia Mining

Minemax Scheduler has been invaluable in providing optimized strategic planning solutions in a timely manner. Diverse alternatives to mine development can be explored, ensuring practical and cost effective decisions are made.

Sue Bonham-Carter

Principal Mining Engineer, Golder Associates (NZ) Limited

We recently used Minemax Scheduler for life of mine scheduling of a complex coal deposit. It provided an optimised solution to multi-pit stripping and product blending problems in a very grade/quality variable deposit. The software makes development of varied scenarios easy to set up and it was very fast to generate solutions.

The newly added dumping modelling module allows easy incorporation of basic waste dumping scenarios into the NPV analysis and quickly replicated a hand generated schedule.

Xiaolin Wu, PhD

Senior Manager Optimization Development, Newmont Mining Corporation

Since 2008, Minemax has become one of the key strategic and long-range mine planning software tools used both in new projects and operating mines. Implementation and use of Minemax software as a mine production scheduler enables mining engineers to:

  • Improve the long range mine planning process with increased efficiency and effectiveness through use of proven mine plan optimization and scheduling techniques and a software tool that replaces manual spreadsheet-based techniques.
  • Develop a range of optimal and achievable mine production plans under complex mining and process constraints including multi-mine, multi-process, multi-metal, multi-destination, variable plant throughputs, haulage and ore blending requirements.
  • Perform quick and accurate evaluation and justification on various plan scenarios for operating mines and new projects.

With the right resources and skill sets, Minemax can be integrated seamlessly with the general mine planning packages, and it is extremely easy to use when the scheduling requirements and models are correctly developed. Minemax have provided excellent support in building scheduling models and have never ignored the user enhancement requests.

When I think of the thousands of hours of plan iterations we and those before us have done at YA over the years, I can’t help but feel staggered by what Minemax can produce quickly if the model is well set-up!

Bradley Hall

Mining Engineer, Cliffs Natural Resources

Minemax’s optimized scheduling has given direction to our LOM plan, based on its ability to provide value driven decisions for multi pit and multi element blending.

Terry Cadrin

Senior Mine Engineer, Barrick Gold Corporation

Site and corporate management have been impressed with the tool. Every time people want to see a what-if scenario, they ask “Can we run that through Minemax?” And they ask that a lot!

Joe McDiarmid

Mine Manager, La Mancha Resources

Minemax has provided us with excellent initial and ongoing support insuring practical and long term use of their software. Once set up with very little work many iterations could be run to explore the best business case and identify manageable bottlenecks.

Ask us a question

You can read all about our mine planning software, as well as our mining software training and consulting services, right here on our website. But if you have any questions, we’re here to help.