Minemax Scheduler

Our integrated strategic mine planning and scheduling software

Making complex mine schedule optimization easier.

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Our Minemax Scheduler software integrates every aspect of strategic mine planning and schedule optimization

Trucking. Waste dumps. Mineral processing. Capex. Everything. And just as importantly, it makes it easy for you.


Using a single intuitive interface, you can quickly and easily:

  • Optimize all aspects of strategic mine scheduling in one run
  • Assess and maximize the NPV for projects and operations
  • Optimize schedules to meet mining, blending, processing and financial constraints
  • Analyze multiple economic, infrastructure and cut-off grade scenarios
  • Model multiple capital expansion scenarios
  • Optimize the economics of new mining projects
  • Optimize sequences for building your waste dumps
  • Optimize a large number of mine schedules in batches
  • Share schedules in different formats or use our free viewer software
  • Create audit reports for non-planners to confirm workability.

One of our top tier customers reported an 11% increase in net present value on a multibillion dollar project


Features and benefits

LOM NPV scheduling

Create optimal practical LOM mine plans that meet all your project constraints.

Cut-over and cut-off destination scheduling

Jointly optimize cut-off and cut-over grades with the mine schedule, providing even more business value.

Process plant selection

Determine the type and capacity of your process plants.

Truck fleet selection

Determine the type and size of your trucks while respecting their limited life span.

User-defined reporting and export options

Enjoy the flexibility to provide the right information to the right people.

Waste dump sequence optimization

Integrate your mine schedule and waste dumping in one optimization.

Stockpiling and reclaiming

Add even more value with automated stockpiling and reclaiming.

Mining, processing, blending and financial constraints

Create a realistic strategic mine plan that satisfies mining, processing, blending and financial constraints.


Constrain attributes and material types to optimize recovery.

Batch optimization

Automate your workflow to operate efficiently.

Capital expenditure options

Simultaneously optimize mine schedules with multiple capex decisions.

64-bit parallel MILP optimization

Faster solve times to act on results quicker. Evaluate more scenarios to make better project decisions.

Time-delayed Leach Processing

Accurately model time-delayed leach recoveries and avoid tedious manual post-processing.

Integration to Detailed Mine Planning

Easily transition from your strategic plan to a detailed plan in Tempo


Compare Minemax Scheduler editions


Editions Free Viewer Lite Professional Enterprise
LOM scheduling  tick  tick tick
NPV schedule optimization  tick  tick  tick
Stockpiling and reclaiming  tick  tick  tick
Blending  tick tick  tick
Waste dump optimization  tick tick
Truck fleet optimization  tick  tick  tick
Capex optimization  tick  tick
Alternative process routes tick  tick  tick
Read-only menus  tick
User-defined reporting and export options  tick  tick  tick
Local SQL Express Server Database  tick  tick  tick
Centralized SQL Server Database  tick
Time-delayed Leach Processing  tick  tick
Integration to Detailed Mine Planning  tick  tick
Fixed cost modelling  tick  tick
Financial constraints  tick  tick
Cumulative/Difference constraints  tick  tick


We offer a range of short-term rental, long-term subscription and perpetual license options. Find out more about the pricing options for the edition that suits you.

Minemax Scheduler

Professional Desktop Ideal for
  • Advanced Scheduling and Capital Expenditure Optimization

Minemax Scheduler

Enterprise Desktop Ideal for
  • Advanced Scheduling and Capital Expenditure Optimization
  • Sharing projects and scenarios through centralized SQL Server Database

Minemax Scheduler

Viewer FREE
No license required Ideal for
  • Sharing schedule results with your colleagues and third parties
  • Access to your projects after lease expiry

Contact us for purchasing options including network licensing, short-term rentals, and perpetual licenses.


Frequently asked questions

Which edition is right for you?

Choosing your mine schedule optimization software is a big decision. Contact us for advice on which Minemax Scheduler edition is right for you.

We can help set up and configure your software

Every mine is different, so why not ask us to help you set up and configure Minemax Scheduler to suit your unique mine planning, scheduling and optimization requirements?

See our software in action

Would you like to see what our mine planning and scheduling software can do? Please get in touch to arrange a free demonstration.

Ask us a question

You can read all about our mine planning software, as well as our mining software training and consulting services, right here on our website. But if you have any questions, we’re here to help.