Weathering The Mining Downturn

Mine Planning Articles

We’re all in the same boat: the prolonged downturn in low commodity prices has caused us all to batten down the hatches as we seek to ride out the storm.

Times are tough, and we need a different strategy to survive the lean times. Yes, you can downsize, undertake painful cuts, go into hibernation, or even close your operations. But wouldn’t you rather have a strategy to carry you through while retaining your assets, your customers and your key staff?

weathering-the-mining-downturn-smallThis month’s authors have seen a number of these downturns. We understand the concept of optimization, and know that when the market changes, we need to change our tactics, too.

So how can we create plans that are practical for challenging times? In our new series, our optimization specialists will share their best-practise knowledge and experience in articles that will make you think differently about mine planning for the low-commodity market.

So subscribe to get news alerts  or follow us on social media to keep in touch with the latest from Minemax – it may be the lifeline you need.

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