Minemax Partner Program Launch

Minemax News

Minemax are pleased to announce the launch of a new partner program designed to increase Minemax’s capacity to deliver mine planning and scheduling solutions to the mining industry.

The Minemax Partner Network is composed of best of breed mining industry service organizations who together with Minemax add value through mine planning and scheduling solutions.

Minemax Partners can receive certification in key Minemax competencies associated with our solutions. Certification allows partners to be recognized in industry for their expertise in their competencies through use of a Minemax partner logo which annotates certified competencies. Customers who engage certified Minemax partners can be confident that Minemax solutions are being applied in a way that reflects best value.

We are also very pleased to announce that Scott E. Wilson Consulting, based in Denver, Colorado, has become a certified partner with a Gold Competency in Minemax Scheduler. This consultancy has used Minemax Scheduler for Anglo Gold Ashanti, Allied Nevada Gold – Hycroft Mine, and Gran Colombia Gold’s Marmato Project in Colombia. They are currently using Minemax Scheduler for Goldcorp’s Peñasquito mine, the largest mine in Mexico.

We look forward to working with our partners to jointly deliver value-adding, quality planning and scheduling solutions to the mining industry.

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You can read all about our mine planning software, as well as our mining software training and consulting services, right here on our website. But if you have any questions, we’re here to help.