Finance Meets Strategic Mine Planning

Minemax News

Mining projects and operations would be nothing without finance. Investment and prudent cashflow management are essential for project success. Yet traditionally, how much is finance considered in strategic mine planning? How well do the tools embody the details of finance beyond basic mineral economics?

We have been busy addressing this gap in finance and strategic mine planning. Soon, we will release a major, industry-first innovation; bringing mine planning and finance together into a single powerful platform. A brand new version of Minemax Scheduler – Minemax Scheduler 7.

With this game-changing technology, you will soon be able to develop an optimal strategic mine plan informed by your company’s specific financial situation.

What does this mean in practical terms?

Aside from your traditional mining and processing constraints, you will soon be able to model diverse financial constraints and situations. To list a few examples, you will be able to define a specific cash flow break-even time horizon or generate a positive cash flow to maintain your existing cash reserves. You will also be able to model the time for the repayment of your debt facilities or control the total amount of capital spending over the life of your mine.

Once Minemax Scheduler 7 is released and available to all maintained users, we will be rolling out more specific content on how to model these various financial goals in Minemax Scheduler.

Follow us on LinkedIn for more updates on this exciting new release of Minemax Scheduler 7.

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