All You Need to Know About Minemax Scheduler with Financial Constraints

Minemax News

In July, Minemax introduced Minemax Scheduler 7 with Financial Constraints, closing the gap between strategic mine planning and corporate finance. This is a new game-changing innovation that helps you deliver a more realistic strategic mine plan, in the context of your company’s financial situation.

To help you incorporate this new concept into your strategic mine planning, here is a little recap of key points and useful resources for common financial situations you might be facing.

What are financial constraints in Minemax Scheduler?

They represent a new class of constraints that allows you to quickly and efficiently deliver NPV optimal strategic mine plans that satisfy a range of financial constraints such as cashflow requirements, debt-repayment schedule and capital expenditure budgets.

Watch short movies with financial constraints

Watch this short movie to see how easy it is to constrain the total profit so your company’s cash reserves are not exhausted

Watch this short movie to see how easy it is to constrain the minimum payback period in line with the company’s debt repayment requirements

Watch this short movie to see how easy it is to develop cash flow positive mine plans that comply with your corporate finance requirements

Watch this short movie to see how easy it is to develop mine plans with capex options that fall within your company’s capex budget

Practise with sample data

Download Minemax Scheduler Viewer and open one of our four sample projects with financial constraints to see the project set up and results for yourself:

  • Sample Model – Cash Constrained Operations (Managing Cash Reserves)
  • Sample Model – Return Capital Investment by Minimum Time Period (Minimum Payback Period)
  • Sample Model – Maintain Profitability (Maintaining Positive Cash Flow)
  • Sample Model – Cap on Capital Spending (Constraining Capital Expenditure)

We hope these resources will help you implement financial constraints into your strategic mine plans quickly and easily.

However, if you are still unsure how to model a particular financial situation in Minemax Scheduler 7, contact us to discuss it with our mining consultants.

Ask us a question

You can read all about our mine planning software, as well as our mining software training and consulting services, right here on our website. But if you have any questions, we’re here to help.