Strategic and operational
mine planning software

Designed for mining people,
by mining people.

Realizing the full value of your mine is a complex business

Your mine plans need to factor in everything. Strategy. Uncertainty. Practicality. Every ‘what if’ at every planning level. We get it. We’re mining people. And that’s why you’ll find our mine planning software feels so intuitive.

Product Range


Minemax Scheduler

Integrated strategic mine scheduling and NPV schedule optimization

Our strategic mine planning and scheduling software integrates every aspect of strategic mine planning and schedule optimization. And it makes it easy.

Learn more Download the viewer



Detailed operational planning for practical plans that follow your strategic plan

Our open pit detailed mine planning software enables you to quickly generate detailed schedules from your strategic plan.

Learn more Try the DEMO

Which mine planning and scheduling software do I need?

Mine planning is all about sustainably maximizing stakeholder value, and that starts with choosing the most appropriate mine planning tool for the job. Read our software guide, which will help you decide which mine planning software solution is right for you.

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Ask us a question

You can read all about our mine planning software, as well as our mining software training and consulting services, right here on our website. But if you have any questions, we’re here to help.